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New artwork brightens up clinic for young patients

Thanks to our supporters, young patients who attend the Allergy Clinic at Addenbrooke's now have a colourful mural to look at while they wait.

News story

7 June 2023

Young patients who attend the Allergy Clinic at Addenbrooke’s now have a colourful mural to look at while they wait.

The Allergy Clinic team wanted to brighten up the waiting area to help improve the overall experience for children and young people visiting and receiving treatment. Thanks to our supporters and with help from the hospital Arts team, ACT funds were used to commission local artist, Beverley Coraldean to create a mural.

The vibrant countryside themed artwork helps to create a warm and friendly atmosphere for patients and families to enjoy.

Click here to learn more about how your donations help to turn dull hospital spaces into more pleasant areas for patients and staff.

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