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ACT supports Black History Month at Addenbrooke’s

Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT) staff enjoyed engaging with hospital staff, representing over 100 countries, during recent celebrations for Black History Month at Addenbrooke's.

News story

26 October 2023

Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT) staff enjoyed engaging with hospital staff, representing over 100 countries, during recent celebrations for Black History Month at Addenbrooke’s.

Thanks to your donations, ACT supported the event by providing funding for cakes, homecooked food, and a lilac tree to be planted on site.

ACT is proud to support the hospital’s Race Equality and Cultural Heritage (REACH) network by funding events that promote race equality and inclusion at Addenbrooke’s.

To make a donation and support patients and staff at Addenbrooke’s, click here.

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