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ACT supporters help fund new bed bike to aid recovery

Generous funding from ACT supporters has allowed the rehab team on ward J2 Addenbrooke's to purchase a bed bike to help patients recover.

News story

21 August 2023

Generous funding from ACT supporters has allowed the rehab team on ward J2 Addenbrooke’s to purchase a bed bike to help patients recover.

The bike helps patients build muscle strength, control muscle movement, maintain joint range and build stamina, amongst other things. It has been a massive help for patients who cannot get out of bed to access the gym.

Mr Yeldham was a patient on ward J2 following a motorcycle accident, leaving him with significant weakness. Due to medical complications in his early rehab, he was often too unwell or tired to go to the gym. The bed bike meant he was able to exercise, which helped him avoid muscle deterioration and allowed him to build up muscle strength.

He said: “I thought the bed bike was a great idea. I said to my physio that I wanted to walk, but due to my condition, they explained to me that this would take time and that we needed to build up my muscle strength before being able to attempt walking. I asked about cycling, initially thinking I could do this on a normal bike, but soon found that it would be a medical risk. Using this bike allowed me to build up my strength to walk safely and provided reassurance that I was progressing in my rehab. It took a lot of my worry away.”

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